MiramaxFilms is developing the satirical comedy Homeland Insecurity with the former editor-in-chief of The Onion RobertSiegel.
Basedon a screenplay by Siegel, the project will be produced by David Miner and 3Arts Entertainment, and follows two ordinary Arab-Americans who get mistakenfor terrorists while on a business trip to Texas.
Miramax'sdirector of production David Greenbaum brought the project to the company andwill oversee development and production with production president Keri Putnamand senior vice president of production, international development andacquisitions Kristin Jones.
Executivevice president of business affairs Michael Luisi and vice president of businessaffairs Rosalind Lawton negotiated the deal with CAA's Greg McKnight and RogerArar of Loeb & Loeb on behalf of Siegel.
JohnMeigs of Hansen, Jacobson, Teller, Hoberman, Warren, & Richman representedMiner and 3 Arts Entertainment in the deal.
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