Scripted by Aya Watanabe (Josee, The Tiger And The Fish), the film follows a Korean smuggler and his counterpart in Japan whose lives are entwined when they're ordered to kidnap a young Korean woman. Currently in post-production, it is co-produced by Korea's Kraze Pictures and Japan's IMJ Entertainment.
Ha starred in hot Korean thriller The Chaser while Satoshi appears in current Japanese smash hit Pandemic. Kim's credits include Don't Look Back, which won the FIPRESCI award at Locarno in 2006.
Mirovision is also ramping up its in-house production slate with titles such as Lee Myung-se's Youth Is Reckless, based on the classic samurai treatise Book of Five Rings, and Gina Kim's The Housemaid, which recently took part in Cinemart at the Rotterdam fest.
The company also recently picked up documentary Two-Eyed Ireland, about the Korea's one and only Irish music band.
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