Spirited Away, the Hayao Miyazaki animated feature that outperformed the Hollywood competition this summer, has broken the all-time box office record for a Japanese film, set in 1997 by Miyazaki's Princess Mononoke.
In just 56 days since its July 20 release, the fantasy about a young girl's adventures in a mysterious land of goblins and gods, has grossed $164.4m (Y19.354 billion), passing the $163.6m (Y19.323 billion) mark Princess Mononoke achieved after nearly twelve months on release. Spirited Away has also set a new domestic record for admissions, with 14,770,000, compared with a total of 14,200,000 for Princess Mononoke.
The film is on track to surpass the box office records for all films released in Japan, set by Titanic with a gross of $219.5m (Y25.9 billion) and a total of 17 million admissions. Distributor Toho plans to keep Sprited Away in theatres throughout the rest of the year and beyond. Even after its lengthy run, the film topped the Tokyo box office for the weekend starting September 15, ahead of new releases Final Fantasy, Waterboys and One Drop In the Big River - all films by Japanese directors.
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