Twentieth Century Fox has united its international theatrical and international home video units under the supervision of Stephen Moore, president of Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment International for the past four years.
In his new position as president of Twentieth Century Fox International, Moore will continue to oversee the international home entertainment unit and gain oversight of Fox's international theatrical marketing and distribution operations. Scott Neeson, president of Twentieth Century Fox International Theatrical, will continue to manage the international theatrical operations.
Fox Filmed Entertainment co-chairman Tom Rothman acknowledged that the move is unusual (the recent trend at other studios has been to bring together domestic and international theatrical marketing operations). But he added: "To us, there are tremendous potential synergies in terms of marketing, positioning and timing. We hope this will create a closer, even more integrated and impactful marketing operation." He said that for the moment at least the restructuring will not involve any changes other than Moore's appointment.
In a statement, the studio said the restructuring "expands [Fox's] established emphasis on the international market." Rothman and his fellow Fox Filmed Entertainment chairman Jim Gianopulos commented that Moore's "background in both video and theatrical operations, coupled with his strong strategic and marketing skills, make him an ideal choice to coordinate our efforts in these two important media."
Moore said the new structure will "give us a unique opportunity to even more closely integrate our strategies in releasing our films around the world both theatrically and in home entertainment."
Before becoming president of Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment International, Moore had been the division's senior vice president, Europe since 1994. Before that he was marketing director of Fox Video Ltd and Twentieth Century Fox Film Company Ltd, Fox's UK theatrical operation.
Neeson was appointed president of Twentieth Century Fox International Theatrical last October after serving for seven years as executive vice president of international marketing.
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