Michael Moorewill receive the Filmmaker Award at the 14th Annual Gothams on Dec 1 in NewYork City.
Moore's awardmarks the last and final tribute of this year's show, which include theFilmmaker Award for Lifetime Achievement to Mike Leigh, Gotham Actor Award toDon Cheadle, Industry Lifetime Achievement Award to Dan Talbot, and theCelebrate New York salute to Eternal Sunshine Of The Spotless Mind.
Four competitiveawards - Best Feature, Best Documentary, Breakthrough Actor and BreakthroughDirector - will be announced on the night.
"We always wanted to pay tribute to Michael's work as partof the 14th Annual Gothams," Michelle Byrd, IFP/New York executive director,said in a statement.
"Dating back to1989 with Roger & Me, his career has been a series of seminal moments and hisinfluence and passion have had a worldwide impact. In a year that saw the mosthotly contested presidential election, Fahrenheit 9/11 moved a nation from inaction into actionand in so doing, set the gold standard for underscoring the importance of theartist in the cultural and political life of its citizens."
As previouslyannounced, Bob Balaban will host the event and John Cameron Mitchell will hoston the red carpet.
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