An English-language feature adaptation of Kurban Said'sbestseller Ali And Nino is beingprepared by Dutch producer Egmond Film and Television. London-based productionoutfit Silkway Entertainment and French Claudie Ossard (Amelie) areco-producers.
The Euros 10m project, to be directed by Dutch directorPieter Verhoeff will be shot with an international cast in spring 2005 inAzerbaijan, where the love story about a Christian girl and a young Muslimnobleman was originally set. Release is planned for spring 2006. Sales arebeing negotiated with Capitol Films.
Meanwhile, Theorema Films' Dutch immigration hit comedy ShoufShouf Habibi!, which has been sold to over 15 territories, is to get aEuros 1.6m sequel - about the Moroccan family trying to make their way in Dutchsociety. The new film will be produced by San Fu Maltha, Jos van der Linden andAlbert ter Heerdt, the latter being the director of both films. Shooting of theanticipated Dutch-Belgium co-production is scheduled for March 2005.
Finally, Cool!,the latest low budget film by Theo van Gogh, produced by FuWorks anddistributed by A-film, has been selected for the Contemporary World Cinemaprogram in Toronto. The film about a gang of Moroccan friends sent to a GlenMills school after a failed bank robbery will also open the Film by the Seainternational film festival in Vlissingen, The Netherlands on September 13th.The young Moroccan crooks are played by real convicted felons and DutchMinister of Finance Gerrit Zalm plays a bank director who dies of aheart-attack.
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