The National Board of Review (NBR) has postponed announcing itswinners until next Monday [Dec 12] after it emerged last night [Dec 6] thatincomplete reminder lists had been mailed out to voters.
The group was due to name its winners today [Dec 7] but moved todelay the announcement after a number of pictures and their respective talentwere inadvertently omitted from the list.
Last night NBR staff were scrambling to send out a fresh wave ofcomplete forms to the group's voting members, which comprises 150 members ofthe screening committee and 12 members of the photoplay committee. The ballotsare now due back by Friday.
"We made a faux pas and we're correcting it," NBR president AnnieSchulhof said. "We view about 300 films from January to December and it seemsthe list was incorrectly worded.
"We felt it caused some confusion for the screening groupmembers and it would only be fair to revote so the actual films we havescreened in 2005 and their talent are eligible."
The NBR used to kick off the awards season with its winners rollcall, but now trails IFP's Gothams awards, which were announced last week.
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