NewFilms International has picked up international rights to Raymond de Felitta'sroad movie The Thing About My Folks,which stars Reiser, Peter Falk, Olympia Dukakis and Elizabeth Perkins.
NewFilms is commencing sales at AFM this week on the story of a father and son whoembark upon a road trip in search of the older man's wife after she departsafter 50 years of marriage. leaving behind a cryptic note. Picturehouse recentlyreleased The Thing About My Folksin North America.
Reiserwrote and produced the picture through his Nuance Productions in associationwith Bobby Newmyer and Jeff Silver of Outlaw Productions
NewFilms International's executive vice president Ron Gell and Craig Kessler negotiatedthe deal with David Garber at Lantern Lane Entertainment and Tom Greenberg ofthe law firm Del, Shaw, Moonves, Tanaka & Finkelstein on behalf of Nuance.
"Westrongly believe that there is a gap in the marketplace for smart and trulyengaging films like these." Gell said. "Our mission is to continue to build onthe outstanding relationships we have developed with filmmakers over the pastseveral years."
"Weare overjoyed to bring Peter Falk and Paul Reiser's wonderful comedy to theinternational markets," New Films International president Nesim Hason added.
In the last year New Films International's slate has included OffThe Map starring Sam Elliott and JoanAllen, November starring Courteney Cox, Game 6, which stars Michael Keaton and is set to open inNorth America through Kindred Media Group in March 2006, and TheDying Gaul, which stars Peter Sarsgaard,Patricia Clarkson and Campbell Scott and will open theatrically through StrandReleasing on Nov 4.
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