New productions by New Line and Internationalmedia are setto benefit from financing provided by two German private media funds.
Having previously worked with Paramount Pictures on
According to the fund prospectus, Alcas has signed an optionagreement with Katja Motion Picture Corp. - an 'indirect subsidiary' of NewLine parent Time Warner - to submit at least two English-language projects forconsideration by Dec 14.
David Molner of Beverly Hills-based financial advisorycompany Screen Capital International will act as a 'technical advisor' to thefund - as he did on Alcas' 2003 MMDP Munich Movie Development & Productionfund for Paramount - and assist Katja Motion Picture Corp. in identifying theappropriate projects.
Moreover, Time Warner subsidiary Avery Pix, Inc. will assumethe task of production service company for the projects backed by MACRON, whileanother indirect subsidiary Juno Pix, Inc. will furnish the completion bonds.
Meanwhile, Internationalmedia's subsidiary Intermedia and C2Pictures are to collaborate again with the IMF 3 fund on the sequel to the 1992blockbuster Basic Instinct which iscurrently going by the working title of RiskAddiction.
The three partners had last worked together on
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