NewSpanish distributor Notro Films is launching an international sales armstarting with three films from local producer Filmanova, including Berlincompetition title One Day In Europe.
The films, which Notro will distribute in Spain, alsoinclude Jorge Gaggero's Sundance screener Live-In Maid (Beba Y Dora) andJuan Taratuto's comedy It 's Not You, It's Me (No Sos Vos Soy Yo), bothArgentinean co-productions.
"Weare very happy with the agreement with [Filmanova founder] Anton Reixa and hopeto extend it to his upcoming films as well," said Notro Films co-founderAdolfo Blanco. Among Filmanova's projects in the works are Reixa's own HotelTivoli, the first of a two picture co-production deal signed in Novemberwith Zentropa Productions.
Notro'sinternational sales operation will officially debut in Cannes.
Blancoalso confirmed he had closed Spanish distribution rights in Berlin on OneMissed Call 2 after having earned more than Euros 1m locally distributingMiike Takashi's prequel.
Notro Films is also about to unveil details of its firstproductions. It is already in post-production on Albert Serra's Quixotic(Honor De Cavalleria), a free adaptation of the Cervantes classicco-produced with Andergroun Films and starring Lluis Carbo and Lluis Serrat.Notro will present first footage at the upcoming Spanish Film Festival ofMalaga.
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