The marketing veteran has been named president of movie and TV research at the Los Angeles-based company where he served as chief strategist since inception three-and-a-half years ago.

Levin served as president of worldwide marketing at Walt Disney Studios from 1985-96, Sony from 1996-2000 and MGM from 2000-03.

His campaign credits include The Lion King, Men In Black, Pretty Woman, Legally Blonde, Air Force One and Beauty And The Beast.

Prior to moving to Los Angeles, he was an advertising agency senior management executive in Chicago.

“Having held the top marketing positions at three of the majors, Bob knows the right questions that research can help answer and he brings a unique perspective that’s very rare in our end of the business,” said Screen Engine founder and CEO Kevin Goetz.

“The research products that Screen Engine has developed in these first three-and-a-half years provide truly remarkable information to both motion picture and television research and marketing executives that I wish was available to me when I was at the studios,” added Levin.