The Babelgum Animatron Animation Film Festival has named the winners of its cash prizes for animated shorts, worth a total of $17,000. The winners were announced at the Hamptons International Film Festival awards ceremony.
In the fantasy category, the Jury Award and $2,500 prize went to This Is J03, from the UK’s Once Were Farmers. The runner-up’s $500 prize went to Germany/UK short Noesis, from Sophie Klevenow, and the audience award to Portugal/UK project Wherever You Go, There You Are, from Sara Barbas.
In the humour category, the Jury Award and prize went to US short Pigeon Impossible, from Lucas Martell, the runner-up’s prize to Ant & Len, from the UK’s Jon Marsh and Duncan Raitt, and the audience award to Luke: The History of Denim, from Drew Roper, another UK animator.
The Jury Award and prize in the ‘minis’ category went to Dog Judo: Meat Sprinkles, from the UK’s Dave Anderson, with Knit’N’Purl, from the UK’s Rhiannon Evans taking the runner-up’s prize and US short Only in Dreams, from Adam Badlotto the audience award.
In the real life category, Prayers for Peace, by Dustin Grella, took the Jury Award and prize, and How to Animate, from the UK’s Jordan Wood the runner-up’s prize and audience award.
A $5,000 prize went to the previously announced winner of the Grand Jury award, Coalition of the Willing, by the UK’s Knife Party.
The festival jury comprised Saraswathi Balgam, founding director of Rhythm & Hues India and president of ASIFA India, Charlotte Bavasso, founding partner/managing director of Nexus Productions, producer Tommy Pallotta, and animators Peter Bishop, Isaac Littlejohn Eddy, Bill Plympton, Frank Rivera and Jeff Scher.
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