Mia Bays Johanna Koljonen c Screen File Goteborg Film Festival

Source: Screen File / Goteborg Film Festival

Mia Bays, Johanna Koljonen

Mia Bays, director of the BFI Filmmaking Fund and Nostradamus Report analyst Johanna Koljonen will participate in the fifth edition of the Filmfest Hamburg’s Explorer Conference on September 30, which has the theme of ‘Risk and Reward’.

The one-day event will focus on better recognising and managing risks in the development, production and marketing of films and series and how the rewards can be assessed more accurately.

Bays will be in Hamburg to present the BFI’s innovative development initiative Next Wave Genre Lab which is dedicated to UK-based writers, producers and directors working primarily in genres such as horror, thriller, fantasy, science-fiction and action for their first, second or third feature film projects.

Koljonen will give an overview of trends in the international audiovisual industry drawn from the findings of the latest edition of Nostradamus Report which was unveiled during the Cannes Film Festival in May.

Further talks include a conversation between German actor screenwriter-producer Lamin Leroy Gibba and German-Afghan writer-director Ali Hakim about how the Hamburg film scene addresses risks in film production.

The conference will open with a keynote by the meteorologist and climate researcher Insa Thiele-Eich about handling risk in her personal and personal life as she prepares to become the first German female astronaut to travel to the International Space Station.

UK film and TV producer Tobi Kyeremateng, whose credits include How To Be A Person, will give an insight into new production processes and the role of community-oriented approaches in a more supportive industry,

The impact of Artificial Intelligence on the film industry will also put in the spotlight by experts Hannes Jacobsen, co-founder and CEO of the Berlin-based digital studio DRIVE beta, and Timor Kardum, co-founder and chief creative technologist of the technology company MAGIG Design + Technologies. They will assess the extent to which production processes are accelerated and new artistic possibilities can become a reality thanks to Generative AI.

The conference is held in partnership with the Producers Association and is supported by regional film fund MOIN Filmförderung Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein, collection society Verwertungsgesellschaft für Nutzungsrechten an Filmwerken (VGF), and further partners PRG Cinegate, Creative Europe Desks Germany, the producers’ training programme EAVE, and European Film Promotion (EFP).