In this instalment of Screen’s Cannes Close-Up interview series, Spanish documentary producer Beli Martinez - of Filmika Galaika - shares her aims for the festival, the best place to get a coffee and why patience is the key to a good Cannes.
Martinez is at the festival looking for co-producers on several documentary projects including Carla Andrada’s The Mountain On My Wall, Carlos Casa Krakatoa and Eloy Enciso’s Endless Prison.
“I’m trying to find other producers with the same view and understanding of cinema and the process of cinema,” she says.
Warch above.
Cannes Close-Up sees leading figures from the international film industry give their inside insight into their careers and navigating the Cannes Film Festival, with interviews set to run throughout the event.
This edition of Cannes Close-Up is sponsored by the Spanish Trade Commission ICEX.
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