The new comedy shorts programme is in partnership with Big Talk and Baby Cow and offers production awards, mentoring and workshops to aspiring female film-makers.
Creative England is teaming up with UK production companies Big Talk and Baby Cow to launch iShorts+: Funny Girls, a new comedy shorts programme aimed at female filmmakers.
The programme will offer a £10,000 production award to up to 5 comedy narrative shorts, as well as development support through a two day comedy residential workshop in Brighton and mentoring through UK film and TV comedy production companies Big Talk And Baby Cow.
Aimed at female directors and writer/directors working in film comedy across the UK (including London), this round of iShorts+ will be the first in an annual series that will focus on a different brief each time. The programme is delivered through Creative England’s Sheffield and Brighton Talent Centres as part of the BFI.NETWORK.
Celine Haddad, senior film executive for talent development at Creative England said:“We know that there is a wealth of female filmmaking talent out there but we also know that we need to see more of this diverse talent and their projects making it onto our screens. We don’t believe the difficulties achieving this in the wider UK film landscape speaks to an inherent lack of comedic talent, so much as a lack of opportunity.”
The deadline for applications is August 29.
For more info click here
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