EXCLUSIVE: Documentary follows four women who row the Pacific Ocean.
New York-based The Film Sales Company president Andrew Herwitz [pictured] has launched worldwide sales at Toronto International Film Festival (Sept 8-18) on Sarah Moshman’s documentary Losing Sight Of Shore.
The film, currently in post, chronicles the harrowing journey of four women who rowed across the Pacific Ocean from the US to Australia to raise awareness for breast cancer. Moshman follows “the Coxless Crew” on their nine-month ordeal as they overcome obstacles and defections. “
Sarah’s extraordinary access make this both a psychological and physical thriller,” said Herwitz. “It is the best kind of extreme sports film – one in which you are amazed by the physicality and drawn in by the emotional power.”
Audra and Courtney Smith serve as executive producers and Jonathan Dana is consulting producer.
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