Documentary follows indigenous Samí rapper Nils Rune Utsi.
First Pond Entertainment announced on Friday that it has acquired world rights to the Norwegian documentary Arctic Superstar and plans an autumn release.
The film premiered at the Tromso International Film Festival in Norway and has screened at Bergen International Film Festival, the International Documentary Film Festival (DOK.fest) and the Big Sky Documentary Film Festival, among others.
Director Simen Braathen’s documentary follows the indigenous Samí rapper Nils Rune Utsi, known as SlinCraze, who lives with his mother in Máze, a nearly abandoned town in the Arctic Highlands of Norway.
Utsi’s dream is to make a living from his music and perhaps become world famous. The only problem is that less than 20,000 people speak his endangered language.
Braathen followed SlinCraze for almost four years, going on tour to Murmansk, New York, Tromso, Karasjok and his hometown, Masi.
Stig Andersen produced for Indie Film and Carsten Aanonsen served as executive producer.
Arctic Superstar will screen next at the Nashville Film Festival in April.
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