Screen can reveal the first trailer for French director Anne-Sophie Bailly’s My Everything, starring Laure Calamy, ahead of the film’s world premiere in Venice’s Horizons on  August 30.

Calamy stars as a single mother who discovers her adult son who has intellectual disabilities has impregnated his co-worker who is also disabled, putting their bond to the test.

Les Films du Losange is handling international sales and French distribution. I Wonder Pictures will release the film in Italy.

The film is the debut feature from Bailly and co-stars Charles Peccia Galletto and Julie Froger, who are themselves disabled. Bailly tells Screen: “My aim is for audiences to ask how we, as a society, look at the rights of the most fragile among us, how do we support these rights even if it sparks ethical debates?”

My Everything is produced by David Thion’s Les Films Pelléas, whose credits include Anatomy Of A Fall.