EXCLUSIVE: Production support for ‘bold and distinct’ visions from team behind 2013 Berlinale selection Hide Your Smiling Faces.

Hide Your Smiling Faces

New York-based producer Flies Collective founded by Daniel Patrick Carbone, Zachary Shedd and Matthew Petock on Tuesday launched its production initiative.

The Flies Collective Film Grant will support independent narrative, documentary and experimental features and shorts.

The Flies Collective principals said applicants will need to show “a demonstrable need” for funding to qualify for the award.

The grant will offer financial support and a camera and lens equipment package to eligible projects. The trio will offer either $10,000 to a single project or divide it among several recipients. Submissions are now open.

“We benefited tremendously from the support of our filmmaking peers and mentors as we launched our first projects and we’re excited we can now pay that support forward to talented filmmakers creating exciting original work,” Carbone said.

“We’re really hoping to help launch projects that are bold and distinct, and help filmmakers that are daring enough to tell stories others might shy away from, or experiment in ways that excite us,” Shedd added.

Flies Collective made a name for itself with the 2013 Berlinale selection Hide Your Smiling Faces (pictured), as well as Americana, and the experimental anthology collective:unconscious. The founders first worked together on 2011’s A Little Closer.

Click here for further information.


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