Source: ArteA24/CPB Films

Judith Godreche behind the scenes of ‘Icon Of French Cinema’

France’s National Assembly (L’Assemblée Nationale) has voted to approve the launch of a commission tasked with investigating incidences of “sexual and sexist violence” in the country’s ilm industry and across other cultural fields.

The request to launch such a division was spearheaded by actress-writer-director Judith Godrèche who has been leading the charge in what has been a fresh wave of #MeToo in the country.  

The launch is significant since it marks the first time #MeToo changes have reached the government level, though France’s film body the CNC has been active in initiatives to prevent sexual assault on set in recent months. 

”It’s time to stop rolling out the red carpet for aggressors,” said Francesca Pasquini, parliament member who represented the motion in the house.

The commission’s objectives will be to assess the conditions for minors and adults working in the film, audiovisual, performing arts, fashion and advertising industries and identify where cracks in France’s long-revered film production ecosystem exist and have allowed abuse and violence to occur. After Godrèche originally made the request in February, the commission will officially be launched on May 13, begin hearings on May 20, then deliver its conclusions six months later.

Another parliament member Perrine Goulet, who chairs the children’s rights delegation, addressed Godrèche, who was moved to tears after the announcement, to say: “Today, we’re going to do more than listen to you. We’re going to take action because it’s urgent.” 



