
Source: Imagineers Studio


Imagineers Studio, the Paris-based production company with a focus on French and European superheroes, is in production on Tristan Aurouet’s Fantax set to start shooting in Paris and the UK in the summer of 2025.

The live-action film is about Fantax, a once beloved superhero, who is haunted by the death of his daughter but must fight against a society that rejects him.

The film is adapted from popular French comic book series created by J.K. Melwyn-Nash (aka Marcel Navarro) and artist Chott (Pierre Mouchot) in 1946. Imagineers Studio was founded by Florent Lamy of Elevate Artist Management (EAM) who has positioned the company as a “French Marvel” focused on adapting coming book superheroes to the big screen. Lamy produces Fantax alongside Daniel Blanc and Virginie Lacombe.