Roberto Stabile and Victor Tsang

Source: DGCA-MIC

Roberto Stabile and Victor Tsang

Italy has signed a memorandum of cooperation with Hong Kong which aims to boost the distribution of Italian films and foster collaboration with the special administrative region of China.

The agreement was signed at the Venice Film Festival in the presence of Nicola Borrelli, director general of Italy’s DGCA-MiC; Carmelo Ficarra, conselor general of Italy in Hong Kong; Roberto Stabile, advisor for international relations and head of special projects at DGCA-MiC/Cinecittà; Victor Tsang, head of Create Hong Kong; Joe Wong, permanent secretary for culture, sports and tourism, Wilfred Wong, chairman of the Hong Kong Film Development Council and Shirley Yung, special fepresentative of HK Economic & Trade Affairs to the European Union.

Ficarra said: “The signing of the Memorandum is an important stage in the process of reactivating contacts between Italy and Hong Kong in the film and cultural field. It’s the result of work that began last March in Hong Kong during the Italian participation in the Filmart fair with a national pavilion organised by ICE, and then matured in the following months, up to the signing of the document in the setting of the Venice Film Festival.”

”This is a fundamental moment that, in the coming months and years, will see the establishment of increasingly constructive relations for the industries of our two countries,” said Stabile.

As part of the agreement, Italy will hold an ‘Italian Screens’ exhibition from November 23-27 in Hong Kong to present the best Italian films released in the last year, organising events open to the public and for local distributors.