Love c Motlys

Source: Motlys


Norwegian director Dag Johan Haugerud’s Love has sold to multiple territories ahead of its world premiere in competition at the Venice Film Festival.

The film is the second part of a trilogy that began with Sex (in competition at the Berlinale earlier this year) and will end with Dreams.

Buyers falling for Love include Modern Films for UK and Ireland, Wanted for Italy, Filmin for Spain, Xenix Film for Switzerland, and Pilot Films for the Czech Republic and Slovakia. 

The same distributors also picked up Sex earlier this year, but it’s yet to be confirmed if they will also be releasing Dreams.

Berlin-based M-Appeal are handling sales on the trilogy, which explores themes of sexuality and gender.

Love tells the story of Marianne (Andrea Bræin Hovig), a pragmatic doctor who encounters Tor (Tayo Cittadella Jacobsen) on the ferry. He’s a nurse who often spends his nights there seeking casual encounters with men. Intrigued by his perspective, Marianne asks whether casual intimacy could also be an option for her. 

Eve Gabereau, CEO of Modern Films, said her company will look to release Sex and Love in “a joined-up way that we think will entice audiences and evoke heated discussion about the films themselves and their themes”.

The film has already secured distribution for France (Pyramide), Germany and Austria (Alamode), and Benelux (September Film). All distributors previously snapped up Sex and are planning theatrical releases in their territories. 

Love is produced by Yngve Sæther and Hege Hauff Hvattum for Motlys and co-produced by Oslo Filmfond. 

During the Berlinale, Haugerud said Dreams had already been shot and was due for delivery in November.