EXCLUSIVE: Louis Melville directs story of British soldiers in Afghanistan.
Moviehouse Entertainment has boarded world sales on writer-director Louis Melville’s completed UK war film Boots On The Ground.
Melville previously wrote and directed horror mystery The Man Who Sold The World and produces Boots On The Ground with Moon co-producer Alex Francis.
The film follows five British soldiers as they try to stay alive over the course of one night on deployment in Afghanistan.
The film stars Tom Ainsley, Ryan McParland, Sally Day, Ian Virgo, and Valmike Rampersad.
Melville brokered the deal for the producers with Moviehouse Entertainment’s Mark Vennis, who said: “We’re hugely excited to have secured sales rights for Boots On The Ground. We think it’s an innovative British horror that’ll take audiences to the edge of their seats.”
“This film presented a whole new set of challenges for the five actors, not only did they have to manifest their characters but also film each scene themselves,” Melville said. “However, once the actors got into the rhythm of this, they found the freedom to work totally in the 360 degrees invigorating.
“We shot one of the scenes in a single ten-minute long take with the actors traveling more than half a mile over heavy terrain on foot. Shooting a film with five cameras all giving a characters’ POV gives the film a look and feel like no other and far more immersive for the audience, a ground-breaking style which lends itself perfectly to the horror genre.”
Melville continued: “I wrote Boots On The Ground specifically to shoot this way, the idea of creating this style of shooting came first and then I tailored a story where you could legitimately have each character wear a head camera for the duration of the film.”
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