Jackie Larkin

Source: Newgrange Pictures/Yellow Film & TV

Jackie Larkin

Newgrange Pictures, the Irish film and TV production company led by producer Jackie Larkin, is developing Pillgate, a dark comedy feature based on the legal loophole that temporarily decriminalised some Class A drugs in Ireland.

The Screen Ireland-supported feature coincides with the 10th anniversary of the March 10, 2015 loophole which saw Ireland’s illegal drug market go momentarily legit after a section of the country’s drug legislation was found to be unconstitutional.

The female-led story will be written by TV comedy writer John Morton, and follows four estranged college friends who reunite for one unforgettable night of mayhem. The producers described the story as “Tag meets Trainspotting, with a dash of Bridesmaids”.

Since 2022, Dublin-based Newgrange Pictures has operated under the Finnish studio Yellow Film & TV, as its English-language scripted division. 

Larkin’s producer credits include Stella Days and series Strike and Mrs. Wilson.