UK sales outfit SC Films has added the completed family animation Jungle Beat 2 The Past to its slate ahead of the European Film Market.
The film is co-directed by Canada’s Brent Dawes and South Africa’s Sam Wilson.
Jungle Beat is a South African TV series that has been running since 2003. The first film spin-off from the franchise, Jungle Beat: The Movie, premiered at Annecy in 2020 and was bought by Netflix.
In the sequel, a stegosaurus accidentally falls through a time-hole and appears in the jungle, kickstarting a mission to get the dinosaur back to his home. Voices include David Munkin and Ina Marie Smith.
Philip Cunningham, Jacqui Cunningham, Tim Keller and Rita Mbanga produce the film for Cape Town computer animation studio Sunrise Productions and Mauritius-based Sandcastle Studios.
SC Films’ founder Simon Crowe described the film as a “funny, cuddly movie for all the family”.
SC Films slate also includes animated feature Girl In The Clouds, thriller Orang Ikan, horror By The Throat and family feature, Grow.
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