The low budget initiative will be run at Edinburgh Napier University.

Contemporary Scottish stories are being sought by lo-fi, a low budget film initiative run by Screen Academy Scotland at Edinburgh Napier University which is being supported by supported by Creative Scotland, Matador Pictures and BBC Scotland.

Phase 1 of the initiative will see up to seven screenplays developed over a period of eight months, which will then be pitched to an industry panel. One project will be chosen for advanced development and funding as part of lo-fi Phase 2.

Oscar van Heek of Screen Academy Scotland said: “This is a fantastic new opportunity to help kick start the next generation of talented film makers in Scotland. By focusing specifically on generating low budget features, we aim to develop films that show a genuine ambition to find an audience in the current market place.”

Up-and-coming film-makers, who have made a minimum of two short films that have each been screened in at least one international festival, are invited to take part in the initiative, as well as individuals with a track record in writing/directing for theatre or television.

Caroline Parkinson [pictured], Director of Creative Development for Creative Scotland, added: “We are looking forward to working in partnership with Screen Academy Scotland, the BBC and Matador Pictures to offer Scotland’s up-and-coming talent a chance to develop their skills and work with professionals.”

Submissions open on June 1 at