
Source: Submarine


US sales, production and distribution outfit Submarine Entertainment has picked up Errol Morris’ feature documentary Separated for sales ahead of its world premiere at Venice Film Festival.

The film explores the Trump administration’s controversial family separation policy which saw parents and children separated from each other at the Mexico-US border in 2018. It is adapted from Jacob Soboroff’s best-selling book Separated: An American Tragedy.

Separated is produced by NBC News Studios and Participant Media with Soboroff serving as executive producer. 

“Any new Errol Morris film is an event and Errol is a legendary filmmaker with hardcore fans around the world,” said Submarine co-president Josh Braun. “To be taking on this topic, of families separated at the border, is particularly timely and urgent. We’re excited to help bring Separated out into the world”.

The film is premiering out of competition at Venice, the second Morris film to do so after 2018’s American Dharma. The Oscar winner last played in competition in 2013 with The Unknown Known.