The distributor said in Friday it was taking its film-maker data service to the next level and would offer “an unprecedented level of data and transparency” around the lifecycle of its films.
The Orchard’s current platform, already in use by its director and producer clients, provides real-time performance data and P&A tracking throughout a film’s release.
The latest iteration of the transparency platform will roll out over the next six months and integrate a more contextual look at a film’s overall success and audience reach, as well as its recoupment positioning and timing.
The interactive experience will also provide an look at filmmakers’ revenue for previous releases, including complete data for Cartel Land (pictured).
“Film-makers and producers alike often come into a distribution partnership expecting a lack of transparency and data because of their past experiences in the industry,” said The Orchard executive vice-president of film and television Paul Davidson.
“Our current and future iterations of this amazing dashboard seek to rewrite the way distributors and filmmakers collaborate, evaluate success and strategize the lifecycle planning of their movies.”
“It has always been our goal to establish transparent and effective film distribution that would mirror what we have done so successfully with our global music distribution platform,” said Brad Navin, The Orchard’s CEO.
“We are thrilled to be able to deliver such thorough analytics to our filmmakers, arming us all with the most possible information, and giving each film the chance at success it deserves.”
The Orchard’s slate includes film Neruda, Demon, Hunt For The Wilderpeople and Life, Animated.
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