Thierry Breton

Source: European Parliament

Thierry Breton

Thierry Breton, the powerful European commissioner in charge of the EU’s internal market, has abruptly resigned.

Breton’s remit also included oversight of the Creative Europe Media programme, which supports the development and distribution of European films.

Breton announced his resignation in a letter published on social platform X on Monday (September 16).

He claimed that Commission president Ursula von der Leyen had pressured France, his home country, to replace him as its candidate “for personal reasons that in no instance you have discussed directly with me”.

It comes as von der Leyen finalises her list of commissioners following EU elections this summer. Each EU member state will have one seat at the Commission’s table.

Breton was commissioner for Internal Market of the European Union until his resignation and also ran the digital and tech directorate (DG Connect), which houses the Creative Europe Media programme and is responsible for audiovisual policy.

During his period in office, Breton has expressed concern about the dominance of US streaming platforms and the lack of European equivalents, and was viewed as an advocate for Europe’s need for significant homegrown champions.

French President Emmanuel Macron had nominated Breton for a second term in Brussels, and the Frenchman was expected to receive an important portfolio in the upcoming Commission. But in his letter, Breton claims Paris was promised an even more important position in exchange for ditching his bid.

Outgoing French Minister of Foreign Affairs Stéphane Séjourné will replace Thierry Breton as France’s nominee for European commissioner.