NielsenNRG and Arts Alliance Media have formed a strategic alliance to offer newresearch services to film distributors.

Theresearch will use databases from Arts Alliance's consumer online DVD rentalservice LoveFilm and its cinema management service Newman.

Forexample, film distributors will be able to see consumer behaviour andpreferences from the 400,000-plus UK households that subscribe to LoveFilm.Other research services might include recruiting a specific audience for a testscreening or testing creative elements or trailers on LoveFilm,

"Ourmethodology is unique in its use of information generated by real consumersbased on their real film viewing histories. This allows distributors andproducers to get a deeper understanding of their target consumers' tastes andpreferences, and film marketers in particular to test their films and creativeagainst exactly the right audience," said Nish Bhutani, head of marketingservices for Arts Alliance Media.