Ensemble drama Night People and comic fantasy GAMERzare the latest features to be funded under the New Found Films scheme runby Scottish Screen, Scottish Television and Grampian Television.
Each feature will have a budget of £300,000 and both areexpected to go into production in the first months of 2005.
Written by Adrian Mead and Jack Dickson and directed by Mead, Night Peopleweaves together four different stories that unfold over the course of oneevening in Edinburgh. Clare Kerr will produce for Mead Kerr Productions.
Written and directed by Robbie Fraser, GAMERz follows a megalomaniachero as he manipulates the lives of those around him. Paul Gavin will producefor Extra Veg Films.
The New Found Films scheme previously backed Alison Peebles Afterlife,winner of the Audience Award at the 2003 Edinburgh International Film Festival,and Eleanor Yule's Blinded starring Peter Mullan and Jodhi May.
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