Anthony (Tony) J.B. Franklin. Died Friday 16th June 2000, age 56, following a brief illness.
Tony Franklin was my partner in DDA for 25 years. We met in Nassau in 1975, where he was the boss of one of my closest friends from Chester. Tony immediately made an impression. An accountant turned merchant banker with a taste for fast motorbikes, long hair and leather. He also had a taste for the unknown and quickly agreed to invest in DDA, both by buying 25% of the equity and by providing the finance to expand into the States. However, he quickly realised that the only way that he would see any of his money back was to join DDA in an executive capacity. From that moment on, I have owed Tony an incalculable debt. Without his professionalism and guiding hand, DDA would not have lasted one decade, let alone have the prospect of starting its fourth decade later this year.
Tony has stood for many things but he will probably be remembered in this industry best for building up DDA's reputation at the Cannes Film Festival. It was heart-warming and rending at the same time this past month to be in Cannes without him. Everyone felt that Cannes was much the poorer without him.
I shall miss him more than words can express.
He is survived by his extraordinary wife, Martha, who, over the past many years has brightened every part of his being and whose strength during the past months has been astounding; and by his three daughters: Rhonda-Lee, Shannon and Suzannah.
Martha has requested that donations be made to Marie Curie Cancer Care (c/o this office) in lieu of flowers. The funeral will be private.
by Dennis Davidson
Royalty House
72-74 Dean Street
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