Cinecitta Studios has signeda deal with New York's Offhollywood Digital effectively turning the productionhouse into Cinecitta's East Coast representative.
The agreement will enableNew York producers to meet with Offhollywood Digital staff to discuss theirfilming needs, which will then be relayed to Cinecitta executives with a viewto filming in Rome and using the post production facility Cinecitta Digital.
"This strategic alliancewith Offhollywood Digital places us centre stage with New York's film-makingcommunity," Cinecitta Studios director of marketing Carole-Andre Smith said ina statement.
"With Offhollywood Digitalas our East Coast representative, Cinecitta will be able to reach an expandinglist of New York-based producers, agencies and production companies that canbenefit from working at our studios in Rome.
"The association willstreamline the production process by giving New York film-makers a localconnection. The New York affiliation is the perfect compliment to Cinecitta'sstaff on the West Coast and in the UK, including Joshua Andrews in London andPeter Wetherell in Los Angeles."
"We are extremelyenthusiastic about representing Cinecitta Studios in the New York productioncommunity," Offhollywood Digital co-founder Mark Pederson added.
"Cinecitta offers numerousamazing amenities that will appeal to producers in all key sectors. We are alsothrilled about Cinecitta's extensive network of international producers andproduction companies.
"Our goal is to take acreative approach to exploring the many possibilities New York film-makers canbenefit from by working at Cinecitta."
Offhollywood Digital wasfounded in March 2003 by Pederson and Aldey Sanchez and offers a full range ofservices including editing, line producing, sound editing and visual effects.
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