KellyReichardt's Old Joy and PeterRichardson's Clear Cut: The Story Of Philomath, Or, were the big winners at the 2006 Sarasota Film Festivalas they were named the best narrative and documentary features in competition
Specialjury prizes in both categories went to Cristi Puiu's The Death Of MrLazarescu and Gary Tarn's Black Sun.
The2006 Independent Visions Competition Award went to Erica Dunton's Find Love, and a special screenwriting jury prize was awarded to Hadjii'sSomebodies. Cam Archer's Wild TigersI Have Known received a special jury prizefor originality nominated by the Independent Visions jury.
Fouraudience awards were handed out. Best narrative feature went to Van Fischer's NeoNed and Jennifer Abel and Jeff Hockett's AbelRaises Cain won the correspondingdocumentary honours.
Bestworld cinema was awarded to Park Chan-Wook's Lady Vengeance, while short film honours went to Matteo Servente's DammiIl La.
TheRegal Entertainment Group's Career Achievement Award was awarded to William HMacy, while Felicity Huffman received the breakthrough performer award, RobertTowne collected the Excellence in Filmmaking Award, and Paula Wagner receivedthe Excellence in Producing Award.
Theinaugural Florida Medal of the Arts, an occasional prize that will be given toan artist that has changed the perception of his or her art form, went toRobert Altman.
Thefestival ran from Mar 31-Apr -9.
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