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BAFTA announced that the new award will be dedicated to thework of Mary Selway, the BAFTA-winning castingdirector who died in 2004. "Mary left a legacy that's impossible to beat," saidDavid Parfitt, chair of BAFTA'sfilm committee.
The long list of 25 potential nomineeswere the most popular submissions from BAFTA members and
A jury of industry experts (including actress Cate Blanchett and director AlanParker) selected the five nominees, and members of the public will vote on thewinner via the orange website ( via text message. Voting closes February 16 and the winner will be announcedat the BAFTA ceremony on February 19.
Parfitt noted that the prize is"not intended as a true beginners award," nothing that nominees will be over 18years old and have appeared in several films.
This prize replaces the Orange Film of the Year award, whichwas also voted on by the public and had past winners including Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkabanand Lord of the Rings: The Return of theKing.
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