Danishdirector Martin Strange-Hansen, who won the 2002 Oscar best short film award,has started shooting his feature debut, True Spirit.
TrueSpirit isbilled as a comedy about a disaster prone magician (Ken Vedsegaard) who teamsup with an insurance agent Arne (Jesper Asholt) to become ghost busters.
Accordingto producer Mie Andreasen, Strange-Hansen has a special talent for broadcomedies targeting family audiences: "We already saw it in his early workand the new film is of the same sort. It's a broad comedy with a moderntwist able to speak to a large public."
TheM&M Productions film is shooting at Det Danske Film Studio outsideCopenhagen. Besides funds from the Danish Film Institute, the Nordic TV- andFilm Foundation and local TV 2 are co-financing. The budget is Euros 1.8m andthe film is set to hit Danish theatres in March next year.
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