Oscarwinning short film director Laurits Munch-Petersen is ready to shoot hisfeature debut, Ambulance, after winning $900,000 (DKK5.5m)backing from the Danish Film Institute.
Thethriller shoots from late October based on a script by the Danish writer-directorand Lars Andreas Petersen. It stars Thomas Bo Larsen (Festen), PawHenriksen (Brothers) and Helle Fagralid (Kings' Game).
Itsees two brothers rob a bank to fund an operation for their dying mother, butwhen they escape in an ambulance they are suddenly stuck with a hospital internand a heart patient who will die if he doesn't get help. The 80-minute dramaunfolds in real time mostly inside the ambulance, and also marks the featuredebut of producer Tomas Radoor for Nordisk Film.
The$1.9m project last year won a $33,000 prize as Best Feature Pitch at the 3rdNordic Talent Forum, organised by the Nordic Film & TV Fund.
Munch-Petersen earlier thisyear won a Baby (Student Academy Award) Oscar for Between Us, hisgraduation film from the National Film School of Denmark. Taking 11international awards, the film became the most award-winning graduation filmfrom the Film School.
Producer Tomas Radoor, alsoa graduate from the National Film School, is also developing an as yet untitledcomedy with director Mikkel Serup based on a script by Maya Ilsoe. The $1.6mproject will be produced under Nordisk Film's Director's Cut label incollaboration with producers Aake Sandgren and Thomas Heinesen.
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