LosAngeles-based production and finance outfit Odd Lot Entertainment is launchinga foreign sales division and has appointed former Media 8 senior vice presidentof worldwide distribution Brian O'Shea (pictured) to oversee it.
OddLot International (OLI) will be based at Odd Lot's new Culver City site andwill handle films from Odd Lot Entertainment and horror label Dark LotEntertainment.
O'Shea,who arrives as executive vice president of worldwide distribution, is preparingthe company's Cannes line-up and said the plan is to establish a stronginternational festival and market presence.
"Withsuch a diverse and promising slate of films on their roster, and with Odd Lot'samazing relationships with talent, there is terrific growth potential for aninternational division," O'Shea said.
"Ilook forward to working with [Odd Lot founders] Gigi [Prtizker], Deborah [DelPrete] and everyone at the company and building Odd Lot International into apowerful new player in foreign distribution".
OddLot currently has several titles in production and pre-production, including ReturnTo Sender directed by Mimi Leder, TheGirls Guide To Hunting And Fishing starringSarah Michelle Gellar, Undead Or Alive,and the Horror Chronicles trilogy of ZeroDark Thirty, Living Hell and BuriedAlive.Media 8 will be handling sales on these titles at Cannes.
OddLot Entertainment has also promoted Laura Ivey to executive vice president ofbusiness affairs, operations and finance, and Linda McDonough to executive vicepresident, production and development.
"Webelieve that having Brian on board to oversee the development of Odd LotInternational will ensure that our entry into foreign sales will be beneficialto our growth as a company and its continuous success in producing artisticallydaring and commercially appealing films for the global marketplace,"Pritzker and Del Prete said.
Priorto Media 8 O'Shea served as senior vice president of worldwide sales at FirstLook International and vice president of International Sales at Concorde-NewHorizons.
Hissales credits include Monster, The Upside Of Anger, Running Scared, WakingNed Devine, Before Night Falls and Titus.
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