Myriad Pictures has acquired worldwide rights excluding Australia, New Zealand and New Guinea to Australian comedy caper Under The Radar directed by Evan Clarry and produced by Chris Brown and Chris Fitchett of Picture In Paradise Productions.
The film stars Nathan Phillips, Steady Eddy, Clayton Watson and Chloe Maxwell as a group of four twenty-somethings who find themselves caught in the crossfire between two rival street gangs on a road trip.
The deal was brokered by Jennie Hughes of Macquarie Films, which serves as executive producer on the project alongside Posie Graeme-Evans of Nine Films & Television.
The script by Steve Pratt was discovered by Brown and Fitchett through a script development fund set up by Pictures In Paradise and The Pacific Film & Television Commission. Brown and Fitchett's first project Blurred was a hit in Australia, grossing some $1.4m.
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