The Palm SpringsInternational Festival of Short Films & Film Market will hand out 10student film-making awards at its upcoming event, which runs from Aug 31-Sept6.
The winner of the KodakAward for Best Student Cinematography will receive an invitation to attendCannes next year and present their work in Kodak's Emerging FilmmakerProgramme.
Consideration criteriainclude unique use of the camera, use of lighting or creative lightingtechniques and frame composition.
Winners of the animation,documentary, live action (two separate categories for pictures over and under15 minutes long) and cinematography sections will each receive $1,000 in filmstock.
"We are very pleased to haveKodak return as a major sponsor," Earl Greenburg, chairman of the board ofdirectors of the Palm Springs International Film Festival, said in a statement.
"Their contribution andsupport to young film-makers is known throughout the industry and is consistentwith our festival's mission to showcase and recognise these talentedindividuals."
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