Paramount and Nickelodeon have signed on to turn Moongate Films's three-minutepromotional short Inspiration into afull-length feature tentatively titled LegendOf The Rings.

UK-based Moongatecreated Inspiration for London's 2012 Olympic Bid, and the promo was shown to theInternational Olympic Committee meeting in Singapore last July. The short is about inspiring children topursue their dreams of sports greatness.

As with the short, CarolineRowland will produce and Daryl Goodrich will direct. They hope to deliver theefilm in time for its release to coincide with the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.

'It's a universal storyof triumph, tragedy and heroism that will appeal to children and families allover the world and, hopefully, inspire many who see it to follow theirdreams,' Rowland said.

'It will be aninspirational 'feel-good' film,' added Goodrich, who worked in sportstelevision for 18 years.

Legend Of The Rings will be Moongate's firstfeature; its sister company New Moon works on commercials, promotional filmsand documentaries.