Paul Taylor's film, produced by Teddy Leifer, is about the children of the Agape Orphanage in South Africa who form a world-renowned choir.
'We Are Together is not only a powerful, important and uplifting film, but it also reminds us of the significance of music in all our lives,' said Stefan Demetriou, director of DVD and audiovisual for EMI. 'We are extremely proud to be involved with this film. Everytime the film screens in a theatre, the atmosphere is incredible. The premiere at Tribeca on Thursday evening was particularly special, and we knew then we had to be a part of this wonderful film.'
Director Taylor added: 'It is so fitting to have a music company behind the movie because they truly understand the power of music.'
EMI UK recently had a hit with the DVD release of Ewan McGregor and Charley Boorman's docuemntary series Long Way Round. The company has other theatrical, broadcast and DVD projects in development.
We Are Together is a Rise Films production in association with The Channel 4 British Documentary Foundation and HBO Documentary Films and is supported by Alicia Keys' charity Keep A Child Alive.
The deal was brokered on behalf of Rise Films by Annie Roney of ro*co films international and Teddy Leifer of Rise Films with EMI Music UK's Stefan Demetriou.
The film has also been attracting interest from US buyers.
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