Peace Arch will release five of the films theatrically in Canada, followed by DVD, video-on-demand and television distribution. The titles are An American Crime starring Catherine Keener, Smiley Face with Anna Faris, Day Of The Dead, Finding Rin Tin Tin and The Amateurs with Jeff Bridges and Ted Danson.
The company will distribute the remaining 27 titles on broadcast television throughout Canada.
The agreement follows the long-term output deal signed in February 2007 granting Peace Arch exclusive Canadian DVD rights to all First Look titles.
'We believe that each of these well-made films will resonate with a sizable audience in the Canadian market,' Peace Arch Home Entertainment. president Berry Meyerowitz said.
'We look forward to working more closely with First Look Studios in the near future as a means to generating significant revenues for Peace Arch Home Entertainment and Peace Arch Television.'
'Peace Arch's solid distribution footprint in Canada will enable us to fully exploit these 32 films,' Dave Sobieraj, president of strategic planning and television at First Look Studios, added. 'We look forward to working closely with Berry and to expanding our relationship with his top-notch organisation.'
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