Peace Arch Films has boardedthe post-war drama In Tranzit,starring John Malkovich, and the drama How To Change In Nine Weeks.
In Tranzit is currently in post-production and centres on agroup of German soldiers accidentally sent to a female-run prisoner of war campin Leningrad after the second world war.
Thomas Kretschmann andDaniel Bruhl also star. Tom Roberts directed and Michael Dounaev, Jimmy DeBrabant and Kami Naghdi served as producers.
How to Change in NineWeeks was directed by Simone Northand recounts'the true story of a homicidally jealous teenager who stalksa popular young girl and writes a diary about it. Thom Mount produced.
Peace Arch managing directorPenny Wolf and her team will be showing a promo reel on VincentePenarrocha's surreal drama Guantanamero, which is currently in post-production and is being positioned for aToronto or Venice premiere.
In that project, RupertEvans stars as a storm survivor who washes up on a Havana beach and fallsfor a local dancer. Plagued by nightmarish flashbacks, the man must findout if he was previously incarcerated in Guantanamo Bay. Derek Jacobi andNatalia Verbeke also star.
Nippon Herald holds Japaneserights, Ecofilmes will distribute in Portugal, and AVE is handling inGreece.
Norman Cook, otherwise knownas Fatboy Slim, is one of six musicians who produced the soundtrack.
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