peppermint, the worldwidedistribution company that recently underwent a management buy-out from HelkonMedia AG, has acquired worldwide rights outside Germany, Austria andGerman-speaking Switzerland, on San Sebastian International Film Festival (Sept19-28) competition entry Pigs Will Fly.

The film, directed by EoinMoore, tells the story of Laxe, a Berlin policeman, who embarks on a journey ofself-discovery after being forced to take leave from his job for brutallybeating his wife. Pigs premieresin San Sebastian on Sept 27.

"At peppermint, we are committed to distributingmaterial with a strong international appeal and believe that this film has allthe qualities to be a global success," peppermint managing director MichaelKnobloch said in a statement. "We are proud to be representing the onlyGerman film in competition at San Sebastian and look forward to taking the filmto the markets."

peppermint also recentlyacquired international rights to Jim Simpson's The Guys which world premiered at the Toronto InternationalFilm Festival. The film stars Sigourney Weaver and Anthony LaPaglia in a storyof a writer who helps a fire department chief compose eulogies for fallenfirefighters at the World Trade Center tragedy.