All Perspectives articles
‘That Summer In Paris’ review: Tender debut plays out as the city hosts the 2024 Olympics
Valentine Cadic’s drama premieres in Berlin’s Perspectives
‘Two Times João Liberada’ review: Portuguese LGBTQ+ title is a niche debut
Paula Tomás Marques uses a fictional history to shed light on modern filmmaking conventions
‘The Settlement’ review: Egyptian debut is a bleak and dispiriting revenge thriller
Mohamed Rashad’s Perspectives title has a ’grim inevitability’
’We Believe You’ review: Tense Belgian family custody drama is a knockout
Miriam Akheddiou is at the heart of this debut by Charlotte Devillers and Arnaud Dufeys
‘How To Be Normal’ review: Peppy debut from Austria tackles mental illness
Star Luisa-Celine Gaffron shines in Perspectives premiere
‘Punching The World’ review: A fresh take on German radicalisation
Constanze Klaue’s Perspectives title is set in a small East German town post-reunification
‘Shadowbox’ review: Indian debut boasts ‘storytelling of economy and elegance’
Alcoholism blights a home in the suburbs of Calcutta in this Perspectives title
‘Where The Night Stands Still’ review: Modest Filipino domestic helper drama is set in rural Italy
Tagalog-language black-and-white film bows in Berlin’s Perspectives
’The Devil Smokes’ review: Potent Mexican debut tracks five siblings over a traumatic summer
Ernesto Martínez Bucio’s film bows in Berlin’s new Perspectives section
‘Growing Down’ review: Father lies to protect his son in tense Hungarian debut
Balint Daniel Sos’s feature bows in Berlin’s Perspectives section
‘Little Trouble Girls’ review: Erotic Slovenian debut mines fertile teenage terrain
An introverted Catholic girl’s sexual awakening is the focus of Urska Djukic’s debut
Berlin 2025: Screen’s guide to the Perspectives titles
The new competitive Perspectives strand for international fiction feature debuts replaces the Encounters strand and comes with a €50,000 prize.