The filmversion of Andrew Lloyd Webber's long-running musical hit The Phantom Of TheOpera has passed the $100m mark at the international box office.
The success has been led by a triumphant turn in Japanwhere a collosal $36.5m has been taken to date, 35.6% of the internationaltotal and 23.8% of the worldwide cumulative. The film sat upon the top of thecountry's chart for five consecutive weeks for Gaga Humax.
Thestage version was a big hit in the territory where stories with tragiccharacters and storylines often prosper.
Asia hasproven very important for the film's success. It has earned $11.6m in SouthKorea through CJ Entertainment, which ranks as the third strongestinternational territory for the film behind Lloyd Webber's home territory, theUK. Taiwan also played well, making the top ten territory performances for thefilm (see below).
Themusical grossed $17.7m in the UK for Entertainment Film Distributors. ThePhantom Of The Opera grossed $50.7m in North America for Warner Bros.
PhantomOf The Opera - Top Ten International Territories
1 Japan $36.5m
2 UK/Ireland $17.7m
3 South Korea $11.6m
4 Australia $5.3m
5 Germany $4.6m
6 Spain $3.4m
7 Russia/CIS $2.5m
8 Taiwan $2.4m
9 Denmark $1.96m
10 Italy $1.45m
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