FormerCarmichael Films partner Christopher Pizzo has joined Washington Square Films(WSF) to head up the bi-coastal US production and management company's newfilm sales division.
PIzzo hasalready picked up North American sales rights to Pietro Reggiani's Italianfamily drama My Brother's Summer (L'Estate Di Mio Fratello) as well as Flannel Pajamas, the directorial debut of October Filmsand Lot 47 Films co-founder Jeff Lipsky.
My Brother'sSummer charts theexploits of a nine-year-old middle-class boy as he spends a long vacation inthe country with his parents during a time of upheaval for the family.
Pietro Bontempo,Tommaso Ferro and Maria Paiato star. Nuvola Film produced the project andReggiani directed from his own screenplay.
Shot in New YorkCity, Los Angeles and Pennsylvania, Flannel Pajamas is a co-production of New York-basedGigantic Pictures and Plainview Pictures and explores the three-year course ofa thirtysomething couple's relationship from blind date to "marriage andbeyond".
Currently inpost production, the picture stars Justin Kirk, Julianne Nicholson, RebeccaSchull, and Jamie Harrold.
Pizzo willhandle North American sales on in-house productions from the fledgling WSFIndependent Film Production division as well as projects from other companies.
Pizzo has aroster of titles to sell under the WSF banner including Alicia Scherson'sChilean romance Play,which won the Glauber Rocha Award for Best Latin American Film at the WorldFilm Festival Montreal, and Jeff Winner's romance Satellite, which played in Tribeca's NY, NYprogramme this year.
WashingtonSquare's current feature slate includes Steven Soderbergh's Life Interrupted, his second picture about Spalding Grayfollowing 1996's Gray's Anatomy, and Robert Levi's The Billy Strayhorn Story.
"We've workedwith Chris before, he's a talented guy, with a great eye for independentfilm," Washington Square Films executive producer Joshua Blum said. "Film salesis a natural extension of the work we've been doing, and I expect Chris tobring a lot to the company."
Pizzo previouslyserved for four years at Carmichael Films, where he was responsible for thesales and licensing of such titles as Unknown Soldier, The Forest For TheTrees and Love,Ludlow.
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