Despite a funding crisis in the Polish film industry that has cast doubts on the future of the event, the 27th annual festival of Polish Feature Film (17-21 September) in the Baltic coast resort of Gdynia managed to field a competition programme of 21 new features and a special new section of low budget independent films with 11 entries.

Dominating this year's fesitval was The Day Of The Freak directed by Marek Koterski (pictured) and starring top Polish actor Marek Kondrat. The story of the day in the life of a man in post-communist Poland, The Day Of The Freak won the Golden Lion for best film as well as the best actor's prize for Kondrat.

Veteran Polish player Studio Film Zebra also won a Golden Lion as producer of the best picture. The jury also awarded special prizes to Edi directoed by Piotr Trzalskalski and My Town directed by Marek Lechki.

The number one Polish industry event of the year drew all the major figures of Polish film including the new Polish culture minister Waldemar Dabrowski. But with only five feature films expected to be produced next year the future of the festival which screens all the new domestic production is in doubt.


Grand Prix Golden Lion for best film:
The Day Of The Freak (Dzien Swira) directed by Marek Koterski

Golden Lion for producer of best film: Studio Film Zebra

Special jury prize:
Edi (Edi) (Piotr Trzaskalski)
My Town (Moje miasto) (Marek Lechki)

Best director: There And Back (Tam i z powrotem) Wojciech Wojcik
Best screenplay: My Town (Moje miasto) Marek Lechki
Best Directing debut: Artur Wiêcek for An Angel In Krakow (Aniol w Krakowie)
Leading Actress: No award this year
Leading actor: Marek Kondrat for The Day Of The Freak (Dzien Swira)
Cinematography: Krzysztof Ptak for Edi
Music: Michal Urbaniak for Eden
Art Director: Wojciech Zogala for Eden
Best supporting actress: Dorota Pomykala for My Town (Moje Miasto)
and Maria Maj for My Fried Chicken (Moje Pieczone Kurczaki)
Best supporting actor: Jacek Braciak for Edi
Sound: Ewa Chilarecka for The Day Of The Freak (Dzien Swira)
Editing: Marek Denys for There And Back (Tam I Z Powrotem)
Costume: Elzbieta Radke for There And Back (Tam I Z Powrotem)

Independent Cinema Prizes:
Best Film: The Woman With The Parrot On Her Shoulder (Kobieta z papug' na ramieniu) (Ryszard Maciej Nyczka)
Special Jury Prize: Scrap (Zlom) Radoslaw Markiewicz
Honourable Mention: Polisz Kicz Projekt directed by Mariusz Pujszo